Delegates are of two types:
In case of the methods delegate, a single delegate call will execute all the methods that are bound with the delegate.
- Unicast Delegate
- Multicast Delegate
In case of the methods delegate, a single delegate call will execute all the methods that are bound with the delegate.
using System; namespace CSharpConsole { public delegate void MathDel(int x, int y); class DelMulti { public void Add(int x, int y) { Console.WriteLine("Add: " + (x + y)); } public void Sub(int x, int y) { Console.WriteLine("Sub: " + (x - y)); } public void Mul(int x, int y) { Console.WriteLine("mul: " + (x * y)); } public void Div(int x, int y) { Console.WriteLine("Div: " + (x / y)); } static void Main() { DelMulti obj = new DelMulti(); MathDel md=new MathDel (obj.Add ); md+=obj.Sub ;md +=obj.Mul ;md +=obj.Div ; md(100,25); Console .WriteLine (); md(600,30); Console .WriteLine (); md -=obj.Mul ; md(450,50); Console .ReadLine (); } } }