Wednesday 24 April 2013


GridVeiw control is one of the data controls provided in that can display Multiple rows at a time. GridVeiwhas a predefined table layout that displays the data in the table format. Gridveiw supports update, delete and sorting but it does not suppoort insert. Gridveiw also supports paging using which we can divide rows of the grid veiw into pages.

  • AllowPaging
  • PagerSettings
  • PageSize
  • PageIndex
  • AllowSorting
  • EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks
  • AytoGenerateColumns
  • AutoGenerateDeleteButton
  • AutoGenerateEditButton
  • AutoGenerateSelectButton
  • Columns
  • DataKeyName
  • SelectedIndex
  • SelectedValue
  • DataSource
  • DataSourceID
  • EditIndex
  • EmptyDataText
  • HeaderRow
  • FooterRow
  • Rows
  • ShowHeader
  • ShoeFooter
  • SelectedIndexChanging
  •  PageIndexChanging
  • RowEditing
  • RowUpdating
  • RowCancelingEdit
  • RowDeleting
  • Sorting

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